Benvenuti in ALTE,l'Associazione Europea degli Esaminatori LinguisticiALTE is an association of language test providers who work together to promote the fair and accurate assessment of linguistic ability across Europe and beyond. ALTE organises training and conferences on aspects of language assessment, and operates a quality auditing system of European language examinations. ALTE was founded in 1989 by the University of Cambridge and the Universidad de Salamanca. Today, ALTE has 35 Full Institutional Member organisations representing 26 European languages, as well as more than 120 Associate Members, several Individual Expert Members and Individual Affiliates from all around the world. ALTE is a non-profit organisation, and has Participatory Status as an NGO with the Council of Europe, and Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. |
Definizione di StandardL'ALTE ha stabilito un insieme comune di standard che coprono tutte le fasi del processo di valutazione linguistica.Questi standard possono essere applicati agli esami di ogni lingua, e garantiscono la qualità degli esami dei Membri ALTE. | Sostenere la DiversitàL'ALTE supporta l'apprendimento, l'insegnamento e la valutazione di un'ampia gamma di lingue, e promuove il riconoscimento delle certificazioni in queste lingue in tutta Europa. | Massimizzare l'impattoL'ALTE aiuta a massimizzare l'impatto positivo dei test instaurando dei collegamenti tra linee guida, ricerca e pratica, tra l'apprendimento delle lingue, l'insegnamento e la valutazione, e tra esperti in diversi campi e parti del mondo. |
Chi siamoALTE doesn't create its own language tests, but recommends its Members' tests that have ALTE's "Q-Mark": the mark of language test quality, which you should refer to if you are looking for a test that has ALTE recognition. Discover ALTE's history, check our list of Full Members and Associate Members, our Special Interest Groups, or learn more about the structure and administration of our association. q-mark & Quality auditsALTE audits member organisations' tests for evidence of quality in language test development and delivery. A successful audit results in a Q-Mark. Find out more, as well as which tests have the Q-Mark in the ALTE Framework. RisorseCheck our collection of resources to support language learning, teaching and assessment. We also run a Services Unit which provides courses and consultancy to Members and non-Members. | Prossimi eventi
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